Solar panels are an extremely wise investment that provides incredible returns on the owner’s investment but the issue of security is becoming a main concern of solar power system owners. Recently, many incidents about the theft of solar panels have been recorded. In this type of theft, the customer loses thousands of dollars in just one stroke, and all their self-sufficient future dreams go up in smoke. Therefore, it is smart to treat your solar panels as the valuable piece of property that they are, by taking measures to protect them from unscrupulous thieves!
Home and contents insurance can cover the cost of array of solar panel theft but the shock of theft is much bigger than getting it back.
Here are some techniques, which can be useful to protect against the theft of solar panels. These are quite cheap and easy to adopt and only a little skill, creativity and common sense is required:-
Don’t show off the price of your solar panels
- Installation of movement detector lights on the roof of your house
- You can use one way screws to affix the panels
- Panels can be chained with heavy nylon coated wire
- Security cable can be affixed to lock the panel below roof level and don’t leave the ladder nearby. It may help the criminal to access the roof lock.
- You can engrave identification marks on the frames
- It is better to call the police if you find some unwanted person creating noise on your roof or in garden
By adopting the above techniques you can create a more frustrating and difficult scene for thieves, as they are always in hurry.
Gold Coast Energy has specialist theft proof mounting systems available for installation. We can also retro-fit mounting locks to existing systems. If you wish to find out how we can secure your solar investment contact us on 07 5525 2111 or Contact Us here.