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Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
07 5525 2111

How to read your electricity meter for Solar

  • Posted by: Nicole
  • Category: Blog


If you are wondering how to read your electricity meter and you live in Queensland then most likely the new meter installed By Energex or Ergon is the EM1000. You will notice that there is a screen on the meter with 2 readings one being a + reading which is what you actually use in your house and the other being a – reading which is what your solar system has fed into the grid.  If you look at your last meter read on your electricity bill the numbers will correlate to the numbers on the meter and from here its a simple step of maths.

If you have any issues or questions about reading your electricity meter please call  Gold Coast Energy on

0755252633 and we will be only to willing to assist you.